Motorcycle Riding Earplugs

Earplugs for motorcyclists and track visitors

Motorcycling is known for the sensation of freedom it gives. Whether you go for speed, prefer a scenic ride or cover many miles on the motorcycle every week: NOIZEZZ has designed motorcycle riding earplugs especially for you to protect your hearing while motorcycling. Discover our motorcycling earplugs below, for a safe and comfortable ride!

Get the thrill, not the noise with our custom motorcycle riding earplugs

Our custom motorcycle riding earplugs are engineered to filter out the damaging sounds of loud exhausts, engines, and wind noise, while preserving the overall riding experience. Equipped with Performance Filters, these motorcycle riding earplugs protect your hearing from the intense noise common in motorcycling yet maintain perfect speech intelligibility. This means you can continue to communicate effortlessly and remain fully aware of your surroundings, enhancing both safety and enjoyment on the road. Go for full comfort with our custom made hearing protection.

Recommended retail price from €124,-

Why should you use earplugs during motorcycling and motorsports?

Motorcycles and noise are inseparable. However, the noise level in motorcycle riding often exceeds the limit at which hearing damage can occur. This applies to both recreational motorcycling and motorcycle sports on two- and four-wheelers, including spectators. In addition to the noise of the motorcycle, motorcyclists also have to deal with harmful effects of wind noise. At high speeds or long rides, the sound and wind noise can lead to fatigue and headaches, and in the long run can lead to hearing damage.

NOIZEZZ has developed special motorcycling earplugs, so you can fully enjoy motorsports or motorcycling without damaging your hearing. The motorcycle riding earplugs allow you to continue to hear ambient noise while protecting your hearing. The earplugs do not stick out, so you can wear them comfortably under your helmet when you are driving. This way, you can enjoy your hobby or sport carefree; NOIZEZZ® has the perfect hearing protector for you.

Need help choosing the filter best suited for you? Check out our available filters or contact us.

Earplugs should be part of the standard equipment for every motorcyclist, just like a helmet

Wim Mulder, KNMV-director

What are the options?


Prefer discreet protection or like to show off your hearing? Choose from a wide range of colors. Download our color chart here.


A small grip can be attached to the earplugs. This is useful for inserting or removing the earplugs, and you can also attach a neck cord to it.

The process of measuring ears for custom earplugs

We often get asked how we ‘measure’ an ear. Let me explain the process we use.

Firstly, we employ an otoscope to examine the inside of your ear. This allows us to clearly view the ear canal and the eardrum, ensuring there are no abnormalities, such as hard or excessive earwax (cerumen). It’s crucial that the ear canal is clean, as any obstruction would prevent us from taking an accurate impression.

Next, using a light pen, we gently insert a cotton ball into the ear canal. This placement protects your eardrum during the impression process.

We then fill the ear canal with a special impression material. This material sets within a few minutes and is subsequently removed, creating an exact ‘copy’ of your ear canal. We use this impression to custom-make your personal earplugs in our laboratory in Hoofddorp.

What customers say about NOIZEZZ® Motorcycling earplugs

NOIZEZZ’s customization really complements my work. Fit is very comfortable and I can wear it all day under my helmet.

No wind noise but can still listen to music! No unnecessary pressure in my ears which means I can now ride for even longer without any worries!

We never used to ride on the track with hearing protection. That left me with hearing damage afterwards; now I like to use my Ducati red earplugs.