NOIZEZZ en Circuit Zandvoort sluiten partnerschap
Hoofddorp, 22 december 2022 – NOIZEZZ, de fabrikant van gehoorbeschermers, oorstukjes en specials uit Hoofddorp en Circuit Zandvoort gaan een partnerschap aan om maatwerkoplossingen voor rijders op het circuit te stimuleren. Door maatwerk te leveren voor geluidsfiltering helpen we gezamenlijk een betere ervaring op het circuit te waarborgen, waarbij filtering van geluid voor de rijder in de cockpit centraal staat om hem beter te beschermen.
Dé thuisbasis van de Dutch Grand Prix en vele race-evenementen en trackdays. Al bijna 75 jaar een icoon in de Nederlandse autosportgeschiedenis. Circuit Zandvoort biedt jaarlijks een zeer uitgebreide en gevarieerde kalender vol spectaculaire topevenementen en internationale hoogtepunten met de GT World Challenge, het DTM Endurance weekend en natuurlijk de Historic Grand Prix. Het uitdagende circuit wordt door veel coureurs geroemd vanwege de unieke ligging, de uitdagende bochten en de bijzondere accommodatie.
Als partners gaan NOIZEZZ en Circuit Zandvoort samen zorgen voor een prettigere geluidservaring door filtering van geluid in de cockpit en hiermee de rijders optimaal te beschermen. De samenwerking start met een overeenkomst van drie jaar, waarbij continu gekeken wordt hoe we rijders zo optimaal mogelijk kunnen bedienen.
Maatwerk staat centraal binnen de overeenkomst, optimaal draagcomfort, en spraakverstaanbaarheid zijn belangrijke kernpunten waar NOIZEZZ zich op richt en internationaal toonaangevend in is, mede door de ontwikkelingen in het eigen laboratorium.
Beschermd en optimaal genieten op het circuit
David Kasten, Head of Commerce Circuit Zandvoort: “Wij streven samen met onze baanhuurders naar de ultieme gebruikerservaring tijdens het rijden. Geluid is een belangrijk onderdeel van beleving en gevoel in de auto. Samen met partner NOIZEZZ zullen we nieuwe mogelijkheden bieden om het gehoor extra te beschermen zonder het gevoel met de auto kwijt te raken.”
Mark van Dijk, CEO NOIZEZZ: “Er is een groeiende bewustwording bij de meeste professionals in de motorsport en op het racecircuit. Ze zijn zich steeds meer bewust van het belang voor het gehoor. NOIZEZZ gaat helpen met goede bescherming. Dat kan met onze nieuwe EarBeanz, de Premium oplossingen maar nog beter met op maat gemaakte gehoorbeschermers. Samen met Circuit Zandvoort gaan we in verschillende campagnes bijdragen in hoe het gehoor maximaal te beschermen terwijl de beleving volledig in tact blijft.”
Op 19 december werd het partnerschap officieel bekend gemaakt op het Circuit van Zandvoort. De ambassadeurs van NOIZEZZ Allard Kalff en Jaap van Zweden waren hierbij aanwezig om ook hun visie op het belang van gehoorbescherming in de auto- en motorsport te benadrukken.
Als musicus en chef-dirigent onderschrijft Jaap van Zweden de noodzaak van gehoorbescherming. Tijdens zijn werk wordt er al veelvuldig gebruik gemaakt van op maat gemaakte gehoorbescherming, waarbij de nadruk ligt op filtering van het geluid op bepaalde schadelijke frequenties zonder verlies aan kwaliteit. Van Zweden heeft nu ook het effect van soortgelijke bescherming in de auto ervaren ,door begeleid met een instructeur snelle ronde over de baan te rijden. “Wat een ervaring om op deze manier een auto te kunnen besturen op deze snelheden. Racen op een circuit is totaal anders dan rijden op de weg, dus het opvolgen van de aanwijzingen van de instructeur is dan heel erg belangrijk. Met de filtering van de NOIZEZZ gehoorbeschermers werden de bijgeluiden in de auto goed gefilterd en kon ik de instructeur prima volgen, maar belangrijker nog, ik durfde met vol vertrouwen gas te geven.” Aldus Jaap van Zweden. Daarnaast benadrukt Van Zweden nog maar eens dat je zuinig moet zijn op je gehoor.
“Mijn hele leven gebruik ik gehoorbescherming. Een jaar of wat geleden ontdekte ik de op maat gemaakte gehoorbescherming van NOIZEZZ. Niet alleen dempt het beter, ze zitten ook veel comfortabeler en hoor en ‘lees’ ik de auto beter door het wegfilteren van bijgeluiden. Nu heb ik na bijvoorbeeld de 24 uur van Le Mans niet alleen bescherming gehad, maar ook geen pijnlijke oren meer. Dubbel gewonnen zeg maar.”
Allard Kalff komt al jaren op verschillende circuits, in en naast de auto. Ook hij geeft aan veel baat te hebben bij maatwerk.
NOIZEZZ is geen onbekende in de motorsport. Begin 2021 ging NOIZEZZ al een partnerschap aan met De Koninklijke Nederlandse Motorrijders Vereniging (KNMV) om motorrijders te wijzen op het belang en de voordelen van gehoorbescherming bij het motorrijden. Met het Molenaar NSF100 Championship werd in het najaar van dit jaar een partnerschap afgesloten om het NSF100 team van jong motortalent te begeleiden met advies en op maat gemaakte gehoorbescherming.
NOIZEZZ (Hoofddorp, 22 medewerkers, opgericht 2009) is een internationaal toonaangevende ontwikkelaar en producent van oorstukjes, gehoorbescherming en specials is gevestigd in Nederland. Het bedrijf levert jaarlijks meer dan 60.000 sets gehoorbescherming aan ruim 600 verkooppunten in binnen -en buitenland. NOIZEZZ heeft een belangrijke missie: mensen te beschermen tegen onomkeerbare gehoorbeschadiging en tegelijkertijd optimaal te laten genieten van geluid. Behoud van de spraakverstaanbaarheid, optimaal draagcomfort zijn belangrijke USP’s van NOIZEZZ.
NOIZEZZ biedt een groot deel van haar assortiment aan in zowel een universele als maatwerk oplossing. Onder de gebruikers van NOIZEZZ bevinden zich de leden van diverse orkesten en diverse overheidsinstellingen. NOIZEZZ heeft haar eigen laboratorium waar met vakmanschap maatwerk wordt gefabriceerd.
Sleep earplugs for a good night’s rest
Do you have a snoring partner? Are your neighbors throwing a party? Or do you have a bedroom near a busy road? It is great to be able to hear, but sometimes you wish you didn’t hear everything. For instance, when you are trying to sleep. What can you do if you cannot sleep due to ambient noise?
Not being able to sleep
If you are a light sleeper or ambient noise constantly keeps you awake, it can be very annoying! Especially if you wake up constantly as a result of this. without a good sleep, you can suffer from a lack of energy, which is obviously not good for your productivity during the day. A solution for this insomnia is using earplugs. In particular special sleep earplugs offer a solution. There are different types of earplugs for sleeping. The function and comfort of these different types of earplugs can vary greatly. Which earplugs are the most suitable for you, mainly depends on your personal preference but also on the frequency of wearing.
Are sleep earplugs harmful?
Sleep earplugs are not harmful and the daily wearing is no problem. However, it is important to keep your ears and earplugs properly clean with lukewarm water. The earplugs can be cleaned additionally with a disinfecting cleaning spray. If you suffer a lot from ear infections or accumulation of ear wax, it is not advisable to use the earplugs every day.
NOIZEZZ sleep earplugs
NOIZEZZ makes special hearing protection equipment for an optimal night of sleep. The sleep earplugs for sleeping avert unnecessary noise and let you enjoy your rest optimally. The earplugs do not entirely close off the sound, as a result of which you can still hear something of your environment, such as alarm signals and your alarm clock. NOIZEZZ offers two types of sleep earplugs for a good night’s sleep. You can choose between NOIZEZZ Premium sleep earplugs or NOIZEZZ customized sleep earplugs.
NOIZEZZ Premium Sleep
NOIZEZZ makes special reusable hearing protection equipment without a filter that allows you to sleep undisturbed. The NOIZEZZ Premium sleep earplugs follow the curvature of your ear canal. This ensures that they are very comfortable. You will receive four sizes sleep of earplugs in the packaging (s – xl), so you can choose the right size. Your ears will continue to grow your whole life, so keep the sizes that you don’t use: it is quite possible that over time you may need another size. Also, the ear canals are not always the same size. This way you always have the right size for both ears.
Customized sleep earplugs
If you suffer from ambient noise every day and you therefore sleep with earplugs every day, wearing comfort and a long life of the earplugs are very important. The customized sleep earplugs are very suitable for frequent and prolonged use. They are tailored to your ears. Based on a print of your ears, we manufacture the sleep earplugs manually in our own lab (Lab Formaat). They are made of silicone material and are known for their high wearing comfort. Unlike other sleep earplugs, the sleep earplugs are casted hollow, as a result of which they are comfortable while sleeping. The soft silicone material moves along with the ear canal when sleeping on a pillow. As a result, there is no pressure on the ear. They really fit like a glove!
Holiday packing list
I’m going on holiday so I have to pack my… passport, sunscreen, toothbrush, swimwear, bath slippers, a good book. Check, check, check. But what are really the important things you could forget? Let’s take a look!
In most cases flying is a fine method to travel. It is all too familiar? The unpleasant feeling when in the plane (and afterwards) your ears are closed or ringing. Moreover, the sound of aircraft engines can sometimes be very tiring. With NOIZEZZ fly earplugs you can travel relaxed and comfortably. This way, you can travel in a relaxed manner and arrive rested.
Swimming earplugs
Summer holiday nearly always includes a dive in the swimming pool or in the sea. If you have tubes or a sensitive eardrum you probably don’t want to get water in your ears. But of course you would like to enjoy a swim in the water. NOIZEZZ aqua properly closes off the ear canal good, so no moisture comes in the ear, which gives a good feeling. Swimming earplugs also protect surfers against the ‘surfer’s ear’.
Sleep earplugs
Sleep earplugs are a real must, especially if you are a camping fan. Your neighbor, who sleeps in the next further, can be a real snorer. Or you will realize that your hotel room is adjacent to a busy highway. It is great to be able to hear, but sometimes you wish you wouldn’t hear everything. … Fortunately, NOIZEZZ sleep offers a solution against snoring noises or any other noises that make a good night’s sleep difficult. With the earplugs, you keep a good night’s sleep and you can start the next day full of energy and fit.
Nuisance noise earplugs
Earplugs if you really want to relax during your holiday. No yelling children near the pool, no nuisance noises from other guests, no renovation works, just you and your book.
Music earplugs
Are you going to Ibiza this summer? Or is there a children’s disco at the campsite? Then don’t forget your music earplugs, both for yourself and for your children! A real must if you don’t want to wake up with ringing ears the next day.
So aren’t you forgetting your earplugs? Let the holiday begin!
Earplugs against snoring
Does your partner snore and as a result you sleep bad? You often don’t fall asleep well with snoring noises. Or you wake up in the middle of the night and it is hard to fall asleep again. Fortunately, our sleep earplugs offer provide a solution for snoring noises or any other noises that make a good night’s sleep hard. With the earplugs, you keep a good night’s sleep and you can start the next day full of energy and fit.
Snoring against earplugs
Did you know that the sound of a snoring partner can be as loud as a drill at five meters distance from your bed? Isn’t this bizarre? Sometimes it helps if your partner turns on his or her side; this reduces the chance of snoring. If this doesn’t help, earplugs against snoring provide a solution. Hereby it is important that the earplugs meet certain requirements, such as fit comfortably with no pressure on the ear and the right sound damping.
NOIZEZZ earplugs against snoring and noise
NOIZEZZ offers you two types of sleep earplugs for a good night’s sleep. You can choose between Premium sleep earplugs or customized sleep earplugs. The earplugs dampen the snoring noises but do not close off the hearing entirely. As a result, you can still hear something of the environment, such as your children or the alarm clock.
Sleep earplugs
NOIZEZZ makes special reusable hearing protection equipment without filter that allows you to sleep undisturbed. The NOIZEZZ sleep earplugs follow the curvature of your ear canal. That’s why they are very comfortable. You will receive four sizes of sleep earplugs in the packaging (s – xl), so you can choose the right size. Your ears will continue to grow your whole life. So keep the sizes that you don’t use. It is quite possible that over time you may need another size. Moreover, the ear canals are not always the same size. This way you always have the right size for both ears.
Customized sleep earplugs
If you sleep with earplugs against snoring every day, wearing comfort and a long life of the earplugs are very important. The customized sleep earplugs are very suitable for frequent and prolonged use. They are tailored to your ears. Based on a print of your ears, we manufacture the sleep earplugs manually in our own lab (Lab Formaat – The Netherlands). They are made of silicone material and are known for their high wearing comfort. Unlike other sleep earplugs, the sleep earplugs are casted hollow, as a result of which they are comfortable while sleeping. The soft silicone material moves along with the ear canal when sleeping on a pillow. As a result, there is no pressure on the ear. They really fit like a glove!
Hearing protection; why it’s important
We live in a world with a lot of noises. This is a good thing: sound gives you experience and being able to communicate is a life-line. But sometimes everything is just too loud. If you visit a club or concert for example, but also at work. Your hearing is vulnerable and deserves attention. The sound level in a busy restaurant is sometimes at the verge of a safe sound level. Let alone how the decibels shoot upwards if you are at a festival. When are you safe? And how can you take measures?
When does sound become harmful?
The safe limit to which you can expose your hearing is 80 decibels. Being regularly surrounded by sounds above 80 decibels results in irreversible hearing loss. Sounds of 120 decibels may immediately damage your hearing. How harmful sounds are between 80 and 120 decibels, depends on how often and for how long you are exposed to it. In general, you could say that each increase of 3 decibels, triggers a doubling in the noise level.
To give you an idea of how quickly sound can be harmful, below you see you an overview of the number of decibels in certain situations and the time you can be exposed to it without incurring in hearing loss.
How does hearing loss occurs?
What exactly happens when you suffer from hearing loss? It is all about the cilia in the inner ear (cochlea). The cilia are tiny and are moved by sound waves. The cilia then transmit a signal through the auditory nerve to the brain where it is perceived as sound. In case of loud sounds and prolonged observation of (medium) loud sound, the cilia may be overloaded and break down. Damaged cilia transmit wrong signals by to the brain: this is the annoying beep you hear! If more and more cilia break down, you are at risk of tinnitus. This is a constant beep, forever. More and more young adults get to deal with this. When eventually not enough cilia remain to transmit sound to the brain, you slowly become hard of hearing.
NOIZEZZ hearing protection
The passion of NOIZEZZ is to let people enjoy sound optimally and safely. The principle is protecting the hearing, without losing speech intelligibility and (musical) nuances. The quality of NOIZEZZ hearing protection equipment is unrivalled. This is due to the unique filter system and the smart design.
How do the special NOIZEZZ filters work to dampen sound?
NOIZEZZ has two types of filters that dampen (too loud) noises that cause hearing loss, but do not distort sounds. No ‘weird’ sound, just enjoyment, but safely. Both types of filters are available in four different strengths: Mild, Medium, Strong and Extreme.
NOIZEZZ filter
The NOIZEZZ filter is characterized by its nuanced damping. Certain frequencies are dampened more than other frequencies and that is convenient in certain situations. For example, in the industrial sector or if you ride a motorbike. Due to the special mesh filter speech intelligibility remains good.
NOIZEZZ music filter
The music filter is characterized by its flat damping. The sound is dampened about equally over all frequencies. So, it is just as if you turn the volume a bit lower. As a result, musical nuances and speech remain perfectly audible.
Hearing protection is not a mere luxury, also not in everyday life. Give yourself and your ears the best quality hearing protection equipment. Listen with care!